
I found these pictures the other day. They were taken on Clarke Quay when I was in Singapore a while ago.


They crack me up.

The first one ain't so bad, it's just kinda funny :D The poor thing was crying, and his parents were videotaping him. Hell, all these kids were being videotaped by their parents.

That looks painful.

This one, looks like he's getting beamed up to some spaceship. o_o


And...I have no words for this.

I don't even want to know what the hell she's doing.

End of my random little post.

Ciao bellas,
*k a y

PS: Driving Theory Test on the 7th! Wish me luck? HAHAHAHA.

So this is me showing you how to use Photoshop. AZN-stylez.

This is a un-retouched picture of my face. (yes, that face again.)

Yes, I realise I look different. And very young. It's probably why I like the photo. I like looking like a 15 year old. :D

This is probably what a normal person would edit it. Up the contrast a bit, clean up the skin here and there, etc etc.

Looks better, not that much difference really. Not like I've morphed into some mutant-like cow.

Now, this is what an azn would do to it:

Oh, dear lord.

Where do I start?

So because no amount of eye straining will create an eye BIG enough for azns to accept. We shall thoroughly abuse the liquify tool to achieve this, freakish glazed-over look. We're looking for a size similar to those of ET, and Yoda. (*coughFathimahcough*) Never mind that ET and Yoda are not even human and thus eyes that big don't belong on human faces.

And while you're at it, of course you have to change the colour of your bloody irises to something unremotely human. I have changed it to a impossibly shiney blue here, but bonus points for eye colours which don't even exist. Like orange, purple or even PINK. The world's your oyster, and who says oysters can't be pink?

Don't forget the 10 foot long eyelashes. It doesn't matter if it makes you look like Aloysius Snuffleupagus. (Go wiki it, guys.) It all adds to the effect.

Cat ears and whiskers turns this photo from plain old 'blah' to KAWAIIIIIII$^*@*($@!!!!!. And make sure to up the contrast so much that your nose disappears. Just do it, okay?

And finally, peace signs. 'Cause no azn picture is complete without it.

Can you say hot or what? Phewitt. You can't handle this wildcat.

*k a y

PS: You imbeciles who can't tell I'm joking...Well. I have nothing to say to you.


Megan Fox+Rain

So apparently Megan Fox has a thing for someone.

To be more precise, a thing for Rain. And I'm not talking about rain as in, thunderstorms and rain. I mean; Rain, Full House Rain, Korean Rain, My-eyes-disappear-when-I-smile Rain.

Quote, "There is this Korean Justin Timberlake named Rain, and I'm really on his situation now. I'm trying to fix this up. I'm working hard." Unquote.

Whatever the heck that means.

But can you imagine the babies these people will produce?

Oh Bi, I'm so on your situation.

Hopefully, they'll look like their mother. Her being inhumanly gorgeous and all.

And apparently she thinks she looks like a transvestite. Riiight. (And she (bragged) said very humbly that she has a 22inch waist. Dude, what kind of tranny has a 22inch waist!?)

If trannies looked so good, I'd turn myself into a man and back.

Insert awkward silence here. HAHA.

Okay I should go now, before I embarrass myself even more.

Ciao bella,
*k a y

PS: To all you males who thought I am just a jealous hoar for uploading such an unattractive photo of her. Screw you. That was the only one I found looking sideways. But here you go, for ya horny buggers.

Some of you might have been wondering where the hell I've been in the past couple of days.

Well, I'm alive. Hah, barely.

I feel like death.

See, I was at a normal visit to the dentist. Get my teeth checked/cleaned/whatnot. Then the dentist looks at the xray for a smidge too long. And you know it's not gonna be good.

Dentist: [stares at xray] ...
Mummy dearest: [the ever panicking one] What's wrong?
Dentist: Oh nothing much. Just that...*blah blah blah I wasn't listening, I was trying to stop myself from drooling all over myself.* We'll have to operate.
Sounds of muffled "!?" came from me. And, ever the lady, I choked on my own spit. Nice.

In the end, it was just my wisdom teeth. They were growing at a weird angle so I had two removed from the bottom row of my teeth. But apparently my teeth were really deep so they had to really dig it out. Resulting in my face looking like a chipmunks' for a couple of days.

Like young Alvin here:

Hai thar, stop lukkin' at mai nutz. Perv.

It hurt like ass too, even with the painkillers. Today's the first day I got out of the bed, 'sides from when I flew back.

Enough ranting though. I have retarded photos of myself to share. The ones I said I'd post couple of days ago. Mah bad.

Remember: it's intentional stupidity. For the hair and poses anyway. I can't do anything about the face. You'll just have to take it up with my parents.

Ai so azn.


As you can tell, I've been pretty bored.

I don't feel like blogging right now. My internet is being a hoebag, which is just as well 'cause I have nothing else to say. Har har. I shall crawl back to bed and put ice packs on my gigantous cheeks now.

* k a y

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